Sunday, July 21, 2019

India-US Relations and its Implications for Pakistan

India-US Relations and its Implications for Pakistan Abstract With the emergence of the United States as the most powerful actor in the world, India re-adjusted its foreign policy and began to work more closely with this sole superpower. United States reciprocated by supporting Indias race to achieve the status of a Great Power in the 21st century and striking a deal for extensive strategic partnership. The US Indo strategic relationship, despite the strategic relationship between the United States and Pakistan, could increase asymmetry in the balance of power between Pakistan and India, which might lower the nuclear threshold between the aggressive neighbors. Need for the project To overcome the problems and come up with the proper solutions. Literature review Pakistan and India needs to resolve their bilateral issues on their own. The US have encouraged them to resolve their issues by peace talks but US would not get involved in it. US have importance of its relationship with each of the both countries. They do recognize that for India and Pakistan there are many outstanding issues between them that would be resolved by dialogue. (Cardin, 2016) The US has also opened all doors of military and technology to India, and also encouraged Israel and other allies to do as well. India has been the worlds largest arms importer, for last 8 years and buying over a $100 billion in weapons yearly, two-thirds of which are deployed against Pakistan. Besides, US political and military support encourages India in its aggressive behavior towards Pakistan. It is not likely that Pakistan suffers collateral damage from the United States arming of India against China. The US has imposed formally and informally discriminatory and severe limitations on Pakistans gaining of advanced and dual-use technologies and weaponry systems from the United States or allied sources. US also opposes the defensive response of Pakistan towards Indias build-up: fissile material production, long-range missiles and theatre nuclear weapons. Pressure on China has been exerted not to transfer any advanced weapons and technologies to Pakistan. Unless this scenario is cha nged, the capabilities of Pakistan for conventional defense and the nuclear deterrence against India could be significantly eroded. (AKRAM, 2016) US having tilt towards India in these recent years, Rabbani stated that United States has an agreement on civil nuclear cooperation with India, but it refuses to offer Pakistan any similar deal, casting a doubt on Pakistans utility for the United States at the time when major combat operation have been winded down in Afghanistan. (Raza Khan, 2016) The role of United States in the region has evolved in recent years. The relations between United States and India have been blossomed while the relations between United States and Pakistan have become more troubled. In the past, Pakistan pursued U.S. involvement as a way to internationalize the dispute over Kashmir, whereas India has actively opposed any United States policy interest in a resolution for the Kashmir issue. India has not been desperately welcoming the intervention of United States unless it came with promises to force Pakistan to crack down on groups that attacked India. Meanwhile, most of the Pakistanis probably do not trust U.S. to be an honest broker in regional disputes. (DALTON, 2016) United States interests in the South Asian region, although not vital, but are important and increasing. These interests includes the prevention of a major war or further nuclear proliferation; increasing economic growth, investment   and trade; promoting tough democratic institutions; and cooperating on the issues ranging from enhancing stability across Asia in fighting terrorism and drug trafficking. The end of the Cold War should allow a significant improvement of mutual relations between Washington and both New Delhi and Islamabad which are the two principal South Asian states. But seizing this opportunity will require extra creative thinking and skillful diplomacy. (Rose, 1997) Hypothesis USA shares good ties with Pakistan and India and does not want to create instability between them but India will use its relation with USA against Pakistan. Research Methodology Secondary data, includes books, journal articles and news articles. Objective of Research This research will help in understanding the complexity of the relations between US-India-Pakistan References AKRAM, M. (2016, April 20). The Indo-US alliance. Dawn News. Cardin, B. (2016, June 1). Impact of US-India relations on Pakistan discussed. Dawn News. DALTON, T. (2016). Pakistan: Challenges for U.S. Interests. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Raza Khan. (2016, May 11). Relationship between Pakistan and United States is imbalanced. Dawn. Rose, G. (1997). A New U.S. Policy Toward India and Pakistan. Council on Foreign Relations Press.

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