Monday, September 30, 2019

“In “Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde” and in “The Fifth Child” Essay

â€Å"In â€Å"Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde† and in â€Å"The Fifth Child† an outsider is progressively released into an existing society destroying peace and goodness as it comes† In â€Å"Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde† by Robert Louis Stevenson the outsider is Mr Hyde. Dr Jekyll is a very clever person who does not like having to be a good, respectable member of society and trying to live up to his reputation all the time. After living his life like this for a while and becoming ever more frustrated by living like this he uses his knowledge of drugs and medicine and Mr Hyde is born as the evil side of Jekylls personality. In â€Å"The Fifth Child† by Doris Lessing the outsider is a boy called Ben the fifth of five children from a couple called David and Harriet. David and Harriet wanted a happy family life with many children and a big house. This dream world was going fine until the outsider Ben is introduced. This essay is going to look at the similarities and differences between the two books and the two outsiders. The reader from the first time they are met views both Ben and Hyde as outsiders. Harriet just after she has given birth to Ben describes him as â€Å"a troll or goblin† This is certainly not the usual reaction a mother gives her new born child or â€Å"creature† as Harriet describes him. Ben was not like other new born babies â€Å"he was muscular, yellowish, long† â€Å"his forehead sloped from his eyebrow to his crown. His hair grew in an unusual pattern from the double crown where started a wedge or triangle that came low on his forehead, the hair laying forward in a thick yellowish stubble.† â€Å"He did not look like a baby at all.† The first time we meet Mr Hyde he is attacking a small child in the street â€Å"trampled calmly over the child’s body† whi ch is not normal practice for the normal man in the street. Stevenson makes this more horrific by saying â€Å"it sounds nothing to hear† but I think it does sound quite nasty to hear â€Å"but it was hellish to see† implying that it is much worse than it sounds. Mr Hyde’s appearance made the doctor who would usually have nothing to hold against Hyde â€Å"turn sick and white with the desire to kill him†. Later in the book Mr Utterson tries to describe Hyde â€Å"there is something wrong with his appearance, something displeasing, something downright detestable. I never saw a man I so disliked and yet I scarce know why. He must be deformed somewhere, he gives a strong feeling of deformity, although I couldn’t specify the point†. All this suggests that Mr Hyde is not normal. Stevenson then goes to describe Hyde through his house and his front door. Mr Hyde’s house lies just past a market that is described as having â€Å"an air of invitation, like rows of smiling sales women†. Mr Hyde’s house is nothing like this being situated in a court and is one of â€Å"a sinister block of buildings† this description immediately makes you imagine a dark house with dark anti-social inhabitants. Stevenson then goes on to say the house â€Å"showed no windows, nothing but a door on a lower story† and â€Å"the door which was equipped with neither bell nor knocker, was blistered and distained† all of this is not actually just describing the house but Hyde as well. It says Hyde is a dark anti-social man that does not like visitors and does not generally fit in. In â€Å"The Fifth Child† there is also an object like Mr Hyde’s door used to describe, but this time peoples feelings and what is going on. This is the big table; it is used to show the state of the family and relationships. The table near the beginning of the book before Ben is born is full of people at Christmas who are all happy and Christmassy but when Ben is born less and less people come around until at the end of the book the table is totally empty apart from Harriet. Harriet is imagining what it used to be like before Ben was born with many people all enjoying themselves and how much better it would have been without him. Mr Hyde and Ben are both violent people. Mr Hyde had trampled over a small child in the street and killed an MP with a walking stick; both of these people were people that someone of Hyde’s age should have been stronger than, an old man and a small child. Ben had sprained his older brothers arm and â€Å"attacked an older girl in the playground†, both of these people should have been able to overpower someone of Ben’s age but Ben seems to be abnormally strong. When Ben was a small baby his mother did not breast-feed him like she did with her others because it hurt too much â€Å"the child looked at her and bit, hard†. This may suggest that Ben is more evil than Hyde in being able to attack people that should be stronger than him. Stevenson describes the event of Hyde trampling a small child in a different way to the way Lessing describes how Ben attacks a girl in the playground. Stevenson tells the story through Mr Enfield who is talking to Mr Utterson but Lessing uses Harriet’s thoughts to tell the story of Ben. Stevenson doesn’t just describe what Hyde did to the girl he goes on and makes the incident more realistic and tries to compare Hyde with other things such as a â€Å"juggernaut† to provoke more feeling in the reader â€Å"it sounds nothing to hear but it was hellish to see†. Lessing on the other hand describes Ben’s actions almost as a series of bullet points, stating what he did and nothing else â€Å"he had pulled her down, bitten her and bent her arm back until it broke†. For this reason, that Stevenson used more description in parts of his book I can find parts of â€Å"Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde† more believable and mare memorable. These parts of the two books also show how far apart they were written. In Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Stevenson uses the word juggernaut, which then meant a large unstoppable force but in today’s world has become to be associated with large lorries. Also in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde there are few women and the ones we do hear about are servants or maids but in the Fifth Child there are many women and one of the most important people in the book, Harriet, is a woman. We also do not hear many people called by their first names in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde but in the Fifth Child last names are seldom used. The title of this essay I agree with most of except for the part that says, â€Å"progressively released†. This part of the statement is true for Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, as Mr Hyde is only really understood at the end of the book â€Å"he is not easy to describe†. In the Fifth Child Ben is thrown into the middle of everything suddenly and can even be different before he was bourn â€Å"David felt a jolt under his hand†. The second part of this statement â€Å"destroying peace and goodness as it comes† I totally agree with. In Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Hyde causes Jekyll so much pain that eventually he commits suicide. In the Fifth Child Ben scares Harriet and David off having any more children and breaks the family apart by making some of Harriet’s other children go to boarding school and by making them go and live with relatives.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

History of Badminton Essay

Badminton is one of the most enjoyable racket games that can be played by males and females or any age or skill level. The games can be played by single or doubles. Badminton is played over the net using a shuttlecock and a racket. The shuttlecock is being struck before it lands on your court, back to the opponent’s court. You need quick reflex and a physically fit body in order to cope with the game. HISTORY OF BADMINTON Badminton first originated in India centuries ago where it was known as Poona. The British army officers were very much fascinated by the game, and so they introduced in England sometime between 1870 and 1880. Badminton was invented in the 1860s by the daughters of the Duke of Beaufort, who entertained themselves with a version of the children’s game known as battledore and shuttlecock. The game they derived for themselves soon became for the house in the which they played it, the duke’s Badminton House in Gloustershire, England. Before long, badminton societies and clubs were sprouting throughout England. In 1893, the first Badminton Association was formed. Six years later, the All-England Badminton Championship was played. Eventually, the sport igrated to continental Europe. From there it reached India via British military officers and Indonesia by way of Dutch colonists. The far-flung expansion necessitated the formation of the International Badminton Federation (IBF) in 1934. The International Badminton Federation (IBF) is the governing body for international events. In the Philippines, the Badminton Association of the Philippines (BAP) governs the game. It is responsible for the promotion and he development of the game in the country. The BAP is also te body that provides Filipino players competing in international competitions representing the country. The Association is also conducting or sponsoring seminars and clinic to those who are aspiring to become players, coaches, referees and umpires. In playing badminton, it is very necessary to learn the different terms used in order to understand the game. DEFINITION OF TERMS: Player- any person playing badminton Match- the game proper between two opposing sides on a 2 out of 3 games or 3 out of 5 games. Singles- a match where there is only one player on each of the opposing sides. Doubles- a match where there is only one player on each of the opposing sides. Serving side- the side having the right to serve Receiving side- the side opposite the serving side Rally- a sequence of one or more strokes starting with the service, until the shuttle ceases to be in play.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Day in the Life of Alex Sander

I had to plunge in and make a lot of snap decisions in these areas. Looking back, I can see one poor strategy decision, but on the whole my judgment has been right on target. And if being pushy and commanding is the only way to get the job done—to get two new products out in one year—then it’s worth it to me. Even if I have to steamroll over someone’s feelings, or ignore the way a colleague would like to handle a project. Sander: Well, I get ticked off pretty easily. For example, I can’t stand explaining something more than a couple of times. But what really bothers me is lack of commitment—for example, if a long-time employee isn’t willing to put in extra hours to meet an important deadline. But you know what? After I really become angry, there are people at Landon whose output will jump for at least a couple of weeks afterwards. My temper is actually an effective management tool. 9:00 A. M. Leong nodded apologetically to Garrison as she left and said, â€Å"The interviewer from your alumni magazine is here. † The magazine was interviewing Sander for an article on â€Å"high-potential† product managers as part of a career development issue. He did not want to further embarrass Garrison, a 20-year veteran of the company, by interrupting; still, he needed to talk to Sander. op yo Neighbor: I remember you mentioning some sparks with your assistant when you first started at Landon. rP os t A Day in the Life of Alex Sander: Driving in the Fast Lane at Landon Care Products | 2177 and so on. But you’re never in charge of your own creation. That’s the main reason I accepted a job at Landon. Landon is a pretty small shop, and I’ve been involved in every detail of my product launches. I’ve really enjoyed the strategy piece—gathering data about market share, figuring out the most profitable positioning for my brands. As a product manager, you have to talk to RD, then work with market research to see whether you have a feasible idea that will attract consumers. Then you work with advertising. You partner with all the departments to synchronize the program’s details. A product manager must ensure a targeted, quality product, whose distinctive features will be clear to the target consumer. Then you have to make the product right and get it to market. At that moment, Sander’s BlackBerry buzzed and, with a quick apology, Alex picked up the call. â€Å"I need to get a piece of data from this market researcher before my team meeting this afternoon,† Sander explained. While waiting for Sander to finish, the interviewer glanced around Alex’s office. It was large for so new a product manager, and the interviewer noted the award plaques on the credenza behind Sander’s desk. Sander finished the brief phone call, and the two continued talking. For the last question, the interviewer asked, â€Å"Alex, in your opinion, which type of person is best suited to being a product manager?

Friday, September 27, 2019

Female Designers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Female Designers - Essay Example In the light of this information, there is a final reflection on my own views on being female and how this affects art production in general, and my own work and career in particular. In Western Culture most classical art has come down to us without any secure artist names attached to it, and so we cannot be sure if, for example Greek statues or Roman mosaics were designed and constructed by women. The likelihood is, however, that the vast majority of artistic items were made by men, because we know that men received a much superior education in literature, art and music, while women were trained for domestic labor and useful craft activities like weaving and needlework . Our mythologies reflect a hierarchy in which the male is the artist and the female is the muse, for example in the Greek myth of Pygmalion where the woman is perceived as a â€Å"blank page† upon which the powerful male writes his desires (Gubar, 1981, 243-246). In the Middle Ages and Renaissance the high pre stige art continued to be done by men, with a few notable exceptions, and the issue here is still that of access to training and materials which is reserved for sons and not daughters. Scholars have noted that by the nineteenth century the forces of â€Å"capitalism, patriarchy and racism† (Cherry, 1993, 11) conspired to make it difficult, but not impossible, for women to become competent professional artists. Because women artists are so few, it is tempting to analyse them as a single category and look for common features that define â€Å"female art† but in fact this does female artists a disservice. If we look with an open mind we will see that they are heterogeneous, innovative and they have engaged in many diverse types of art with different motivations, just like men. Gubar cites Frida Kahlo, â€Å"who presents herself as bound by red cords †¦ is a painter whose tragic physical problems contributed to her feeling wounded, pierced and bleeding† (while Cherry notes the affinity of late nineteenth century female artists in London with the suffragette movement. (Cherry, 1993, 95) For many women artists, their work has provided an avenue to express an alternative reality to the restrictive roles that men have seen fit to allow them. It has been a transformative force in their lives and it is in this light that I consider the Iraqi/British architect and designer Zaha Hadid. Zaha Hadid was born in 1950 to a fairly wealthy Muslim family in Iraq. Her academic career started with studies in Mathematics in Beirut and moved to London where she qualified as an architect. (Encyclopedia of World Biography website, no date). Her work is inspired by a variety of very different sources including ancient Sumerian buildings, Frank Lloyd Wright in American, and an interest in mathematical concepts, as can be seen for example in her her first major work, which was a fire station in Germany with many irregular angles, a feature that she has used in ot her buildings too. It seems that Hadid has chosen to put aside the expectations of tradition, not just in terms of the expectation that a Muslim woman should not aspire to be a successful architect, but also in terms of the parameters for using angles and spaces. Her later, even more famous design of the Cardiff Bay Opera House was rejected and stalled several times before it was finally built.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Policy Brief Paper on ASEAN - China Free Trade Area Essay

Policy Brief Paper on ASEAN - China Free Trade Area - Essay Example The policy belief will also explore the goals of the ASEA free trade and the rule of origin that applies to the goods. It will also explain how the trade is administered and how the countries solve the disputes that may come across on the way. The audience of the policy belief is a branch of international organization. Statement of the problem Should the ASEAN – China free trade area agreement benefit the people and the countries themselves? Background of the problem The ASEAN is a trade free trade which consists of eleven member states of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The agreement was first signed on the 4th of November 2002 in Cambodia. The intention of the agreement was to start a free trade among the eleven countries by 2010. However, the agreement came in to effect on January 1st 2010. The trade area is the third largest in terms of GDP and the largest of all trade areas in terms of population. The trade area had a nominal GDP of 6 trillion US dollars a s at 2008. The combined population of the trade area is approximately 580 million. On the issue of tariffs, the agreement reduced the 90 % of the imported goods to zero. The importers did not have to pay anything for the importation of the goods. The amendment took effect immediately in China and other six countries in the agreement and the other four countries promised to effect the tariffs by 2015. The goals of the Association are to increase their competitive advantage through production of high quality goods and elimination of tariffs on all imported and exported goods. The other goal is the attraction of more foreign direct investment to the association. The administration of the association is handled by the trade authorities and also by the national customs within the association. The secretariat of the association has the responsibility of monitoring and ensuring that every member complies with the rules and the regulations of the association. The secretariat ensures that th ere is consistent in the application of the association measures to all the country members of the association. In the dispute resolution, the secretariat of the association is no allowed to resolve any dispute arising between any two member countries. The disputes arising between any two members of the organization are resolved through dispute resolution or through informal means bilaterally. If the two member countries cannot resolve the disputes, they can refer to Senior Economic Officials Meetings (SEOM). The SEOM establishes a panel of arbitrators who helps to resolve the disputes. The member countries can always appeal the decisions made by the panels if member countries feel dissatisfied by the decision. The member country can appeal to the ASEAN Economic Community Council. Statement of the Organization’s Interest in the Issue The issue at hand matters most because of the following factors. One reason why the free trade area matters the China Government is because it h as helped the Chinese Government in exportation and importation of its products. The Chinese Government has also benefited from the reduction of the tariffs for exportation and importation between the member countries. There has also been the exchange of technological knowledge between the member countries. The China Government has also benefited from the importation of goods from New Zealand. The elimination of ta

Do Not Deport My Father Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Do Not Deport My Father - Essay Example Sadly, there only seems to be deportations of community members who are undocumented and others are those who have fake I.Ds. The fake I.Ds are in most cases used for purposes of getting work permits and other forms of documentations. When the government carries out these deportations, this is done for purposes of protecting other American citizens from criminals. In addition, deporting people who are immigrants and have records of criminal activities seems like the easiest way the government wants to conjure images of drug smugglers and terrorists to the public. However, this is not the way forward and the government ought to look for other ways and means of catching criminals. It is now a trend to get people deported, because they are undocumented and have minor offenses if not any. It seems that even after people serve their minor punishments and become law abiding citizens from that point, there is always the prospect of being deported. Overview According to Human Rights Watch, P arker, and Root there were 72 % number of people, non-citizens who were deported due to criminal related convictions from the year 1997 to 2007 (2). In all these cases of deportation, most of them had non-violent offenses. The sad reality is that so many families in United States were affected, which is an estimated 1 million members of families (Bausum 34). Hence, it is evident that by the time the year 2014 comes to an end so many children will not have parents in the U.S. This means that the number of people whose families will be torn apart in the U.S will be high. The Human Rights Watch, Parker, and Root’s argument is that the deportation of people whose crime is solely trying to stay out of the law enforcer’s path is not justified (4). Under the U.S law that is currently in existence, people who were deported once or due to felony charges are considered to be violating an aggravate felony, if they happen to re-enter the U.S (Human Rights Watch, Parker, and Root 3 ). The aggravated felony now seems to be a word that is too broad due to the fact that it extends to offenses like shoplifting and those who work with fake I.Ds The current law has most of the immigration judges powerless for them to go into all the details regarding all the cases that are put before them. It is now a disadvantage to those who commit the aggravated felonies because a person is liable to serving 20 years of jail time in federal prison. Reforms in the immigration department are a must and the major businesses in the U.S also have a task in promoting these reforms (Moloney 5). According to Bucerius and Tonry some of the most successful industrial sectors in the U.S are successful because of the immigration laborers (472). These are sectors such as manufacturing sector and the construction sector among others. These are not just any other sector and they are highly valued in the U.S economy as the key giants to its success. In the year 2012, the construction industry in the U.S reported revenues that were amounting to $857 billion dollars, whereas the food service sector reported revenue of $33 billion (Bucerius and Tonry 473). These are some of the many examples in the industrial sector, which show that the deportation of people who are innocent and not terrorists or drug dealers is a way of negatively affecting the economy. Why I do not support the Deportation on Innocent People I agree that the immigration rules should be followed and drug dealers and terrorists have to be deported, when he or she is a

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Dollars and Dreams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Dollars and Dreams - Essay Example There are still others that see it as a land of waste and consumerism where the abundance is so overflowing that there is not enough space to hold all that is produced and thrown away. The truth that it is a place of hardship where people work hard to barely survive is rarely the worldwide perception of the American Dream. The film Dollars and Dreams: West Africans in New York (2007) is a documentary that discusses the experience and phenomenon of immigration from West Africa to the United States. The documentary film makers explore the truth of life in New York for those who have migrated from West Africa into what they thought would be an easier and more successful life. Through a narrative that includes successful, surviving, and struggling immigrants from West Africa, the film creates an alternative perspective on the experience of living in New York and in the United States. The producers of the film were Jeremy Rocklin an Abdel Kader Ouedarogo with Jeremy Rocklin directing and it is distributed by Documentary Educational Resources. One of the first statements made in the film is by Chika Onyeani who is the Publisher and Editor in Chief of The African Sun Times is that there is a perception that in America money grows on trees. CEO of Cape Aloe Ferox Worldwide, Arthur Smith, states in the film that the dollar is almighty and that they think it is easy in America and Zain Abdullah of Temple University reveals that the first surprising thing that immigrants from West Africa experience is that there is poverty in America and that it is not as easy to find riches in the land of opportunity. The concept of opportunity becomes more real in the sense that while there may be opportunity, one has to search and find it (Rocklin & Ouedarogo, 2007). Zain Abdullah continues to discuss the culture of immigrants as they live a life of deception where they struggle by working two or three jobs, but then present their experiences to those back home as fulfilling the expect ations that they had when they left their home to travel to the new land. The deception is based on the perceptions that are promoted in West Africa that there is nothing but riches in the United States and to go to America and struggle would be perceived as a failure. Abdullah states that it is like going into a gold mine and coming out with nothing to show for the effort (Rocklin & Ouedarogo, 2007). Kaira-Murdock (2008) writes that the reason that Jeremy Rocklin an Abdel Kader Ouedarogo decided to create this documentary was to create a more realistic view of New York for West Africans before they made the decision to migrate from their homeland and seek their fortunes. The realities of New York and the rate of poverty, even among the working poor, is something that is not considered when making the decision to move. The film is visually unsettling as the garbage in the street and the unattended urban setting is contrasted to the affluent speakers who discuss the realities of movi ng to New York, even though the majority of the initial speakers have clearly found their own success in this country. The real problem with immigration from other nations is that the image of America is based upon Hollywood idealism that is shown in films. Racism based on blackness is rare in West Africa so the experience of being oppressed comes as a surprise for many of the people who move to New York. Kaira-Murdock (2

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Han Empire (Ancient China) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Han Empire (Ancient China) - Essay Example Mesopotamia Empire existed in southwest Asia. The empire is a fertile green land and occasional rainfall attracted growth of many plants. Due to the rich plants, many animals also found suitable habitat in the region. People who lived around the empire were consequently hunters and gatherers of animals and plants respectively. The empire also received supply of fresh water from Euphrates and Tigris rivers that sustained animals and plants during dry spells. The empire also depended on the rivers for its irrigation. Ancient Mesopotamia Empire also referred to cradle of civilization or Fertile Crescent. Nubian people broke away from the rule of Egyptians to establish their own independent kingdom in 1000 BC. The kingdom was located around southern part of Egypt in a region that later came to be known as Nubia. In the eighth century, the kingdom became so powerful that it conquered Egypt. Due to Assyrians invasion, the Kushites moved up to around Meroe city. They were the first people t o use practically iron after learning iron working. Powerful nomadic people weakened the empire later over its own territory.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Forensic Botany Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Forensic Botany - Essay Example There are issues of specificity, profile complexity, and reproducibility that lead to the rejection of botanical evidence in courts. Moreover, a higher number of samples, translating to the urgency for analysis to yield quality and quantity have often yielded poor DNA making analysis less effective (Hall, Byrd, & Wiley InterScience, 2012). These factors usually introduce new challenges in the identification of evidence in forensic botany. Scientists have identified the fact that most of the evidence comes in mixed proportions, complicating the analysis process. Therefore, this heightens the need to develop techniques that have the potential of sorting out the mixed samples to present specific evidence. Such effective methods will help investigators rely on botanical evidence that is subject to being discarded in the current days. The development of numerous techniques used in DNA profiling has served to lay a hope for the possibility of better approaches of identification that yield evidence that is dependable in courts. Apparently, an effective DNA analysis technique for use in forensic botany must meet certain requirements. The approach must have the potential of establishing distinct differences between individual species irrespective of a high correlation. Moreover, it should have the capacity to handle robust amounts of samples (Bock, & Norris, 2008). An additional requirement of immense criticality is the fact that the technique must exhibit the potential of positively analyzing degraded plant materials. Although scientists have made progress in developing tools with the capacity to satisfy the above described requirements, only a few of the developed techniques have the potential of meeting all the... The development of numerous techniques used in DNA profiling has served to lay a hope for the possibility of better approaches to identification that yield evidence that is dependable in courts. Apparently, an effective DNA analysis technique for use in forensic botany must meet certain requirements. The approach must have the potential of establishing distinct differences between individual species irrespective of a high correlation. Moreover, it should have the capacity to handle robust amounts of samples. An additional requirement of immense criticality is the fact that the technique must exhibit the potential of positively analyzing degraded plant materials. Although scientists have made progress in developing tools with the capacity to satisfy the above-described requirements, only a few of the developed techniques have the potential of meeting all the requirements. However, the short tandem repeats (STRs) and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Moreover, bar coding has emer ged for better analysis in the future.Specialists are usually very keen in making sure that collection of samples follows a standard procedure. The collection is a critical step because the seizure of the samples of interest occurs at this point. Prior to the collection of the intended samples, there is a need for a specialist to embark on an effective recognition procedure, before collection of the sample accurate recognition serves as the initial step in the dependence of forensic botany in identifying any sort of crime.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Pharmacoeconomics Notes Essay Example for Free

Pharmacoeconomics Notes Essay The Confessions is a work by Augustine that outlines his sinful youth and conversion to Christianity. Augustine wrote it between 397 and 401 while serving as the bishop of Hippo Regius. In his book, Augustine gives an account of his own life from birth up to that point. He then wrote about other matters such as the creation of the world, memory and time. A big segment of the book is spent on Augustine’s confession of sins that he had struggled with and how he had pled to God for deliverance from those sins. Augustine writes about his disappointment in living an immoral lifestyle. He regrets having believed in astrology and followed the Manichaean religion. He also writes about how Nebridius helped persuade him that astrology was evil and how St. Ambrose helped in his conversion to Christianity. The Confessions is finally an address by Augustine to God in which he confesses his sins, faith, and praise. Augustine says that he wrote the Confessions for a people curious to know the lives of others, but careless to amend their own. Augustine was aware that people loved to gossip and look deeply into the lives of others to see how they could talk down a person and ultimately make themselves feel better. Augustine knew that his writing was going to be scrutinized but made it his purpose to tell the truth and demonstrate the providence of God in the life of a sinner. He didn’t want anyone to think any better of himself than he actually was. Another purpose in writing Confessions was to create an immediate bond between his new Christian community. His colleagues were distrustful of his pagan influenced education as well as his standing as an ex-Manichee. He wanted to let them know that he was trustworthy and he did that by putting on display the worst and best of his life. In essence, Augustine’s life became an open book for everyone to read and get to know personally. Augustine could have also written Confessions as an attempt to understand himself. He might have considered his enjoyment of sex and the pleasures of this world to be an unbearable weakness and he needed to confess in writing that God alone was his true love. It is obvious that Augustine is broken over his sin and it is probably something that consumed his mind. Getting this horrific past behind him was of the utmost importance and he did it through writing Confessions to God. The writing style with which Augustine writes the Confessions is  amongst other things openly bold, encouraging, and without remorse. This is definitely different from modern writers who try and disguise their true inner feelings while still trying to write with meaningful style. Augustine is not trying to hold back any part of his life that he might be ashamed of. It is quite the contrary as he confidently praises the Lord and declares God’s greatness. Augustine recognizes his place as a speck of dust that vies for a place in the presence of almighty God who created the universe. He is not ashamed to speak highly of his Lord and continuously gives you a feeling that he is not satisfied until he finds his rest in God. He is encouraging throughout his book as he conveys God’s faithfulness to him even when he was deep into sin. No matter what portion of the book one reads, he or she can always take comfort in the fact that no matter how far one runs from God, He is always right there waiting for us with arms wide open. In conclusion, Augustine is so focused on God, that he has no regret in sharing his mishaps and declaring God’s forgiveness. He knows that he ran far from God but that God was right there the entire time. He feels extremely foolish but at the same time so grateful for God’s unending grace. Augustine asserts with passion that he wants to be filled by God and as a result he can truly live.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Trinidad And Tobagos Banking Industry Analysis

Trinidad And Tobagos Banking Industry Analysis The banking industry in Trinidad and Tobago has somewhat changed in the past few years. This resulted in the entry of some banks and the re-entry of others. This paper strategically analyses the current strategic position of one of the major banks, First Citizens (FC). First Citizens Bank is a member of the First Citizens Group, which consists of: First Citizens Bank Limited First Citizens Asset Management Limited First Citizens Trustee Services Limited First Citizens (St. Lucia) Limited First Citizens Securities Trading Limited Caribbean Money Market Brokers (CMMB) For the purposes of this paper, First Citizens Banks current strategies that are being utilised to achieve its goal are critically analysed along with its internal and external environment, which establish the forces that drives change and the key success factors that sustains competitive advantage. All these factors give rise to the SWOT analysis of the bank, which matches the bank resources and capabilities to the competitive environment in which it operates. 1.2 Background FC Bank is the first indigenous bank of Trinidad and Tobago and was formed in 1993 out of the amalgamation of three failed financial institutions namely: The Workers Bank of Trinidad and Tobago 1989 Ltd, Trinidad Co-operative Bank Ltd and The National Commercial Bank Ltd. It is the third largest bank in Trinidad and Tobago and the fastest growing. Over the years, FC Bank has become one of the regions leading and most dynamic financial product and service providers. This position is further strengthened by the acquisition of CMMB one year ago. The leaderships robustness at the bank has championed the industry in technology, innovative product offerings and profitability, which earned them numerous awards, with the most recent being World Finance magazine Best Bank, Trinidad and Tobago 2009. 2.0 DEFINING THE INDUSTRY The banking industry is part of the Financial Services Sector, which is highly regulated by the Financial Act of Trinidad and Tobago. The Financial Services industry comprises of credit unions, investment banks, insurance companies, mutual funds etc. All the aforementioned offers similar services as retail banking as per a regular bank, but the Commercial Banking Sector consists of all financial institutions permitted the Financial Services Act and approved by the Central Bank. There are a number of commercial banks approved by the Central Bank and registered under the act, these include: First Citizens Bank Limited Republic Bank limited (RBL) Royal Bank of Trinidad and Tobago (RBTT) Scotiabank Limited Citibank (Trinidad and Tobago) Limited First Caribbean International Bank Intercommercial Bank Bank of Baroda For the purpose of this paper, this would be defined as the industry and would be the basis on which analysis is made. 3.0 ORGANIZATIONAL FRAMEWORK 3.1 Vision, Mission and Objectives of First Citizens First Citizens vision is To become the most competitive group in Trinidad and Tobago with a well established international presence. While the mission is to build a highly profitable financial services franchise renowned for innovativeness, service excellence and sound corporate governance. To achieve the aim FC focuses on continuous improvement of systems and products, building a strong base of knowledge and skilled workers and creating strategic partnerships in key sectors that add value to the franchise. The mission is underpinned by the core values, which assist the employees in the achievement of the mission. The core values are: Commitment to excellence Commitment to customers Commitment to integrity Commitment to financial strength Commitment to employees Commitment to continuous improvement The main objective of the bank is to improve profitability with a major focus on its return on equity. The main objective is supported by secondary objectives, which are: Leveraging Technology to create confidence in the banks systems and procedure Reducing overheads costs while simultaneously increasing revenues Aggressively increasing assets, loans and fund base Widening the range of products and services primarily in the area of internet and mobile (electronic) banking Improving First Citizens risk management Improving the Groups image and service quality Deepening the human resource competence These objectives are quantified using the balance scorecard, which sets specific targets needed to be achieved in order to achieve the organisations objectives. In order to achieve the objectives, each branch manager, department and unit is required to produce a balanced score card, which eventually sums to the overall directional scorecard. 3.2 Strategy In order for the vision, mission and objectives of FC to become operational strategies must be implemented. Figure shows the alignment of First Citizens strategies with its vision. The use of the groups balance has made strategy making and organisational coordination reflect the top-down manner in which strategy is developed and communicated. The banks existing strategies is summarised using Ansoffs Directional Matrix (see figure). From the Directional Matrix, FC Banks diversification strategy exemplifies the Banks thrust into a wider and more competitive industry. This is indicates that boundaries that separate traditional banking from other type of financial services are being eliminated, this is also an indicator of the industry in its maturity stage (indicated in a later chapter). Although the strategy is that of diversification it involves a broad market scope. The strategy involves leveraging technology to provide excellent customer service especially since FC is always first to market. It is the technological advancement, that is the banks core competency and some features (mobile point of sale) gives it its distinctive capability. 4.0 THE DYNAMICS OF THE EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT All organizations are inextricably associated with its external environment, regardless of the country to which it belongs. This association influences how the organization operates and the products or services provided. The external forces may facilitate or inhibit organizational performance and may form limits with which the organization is able to function. These forces shape how the organization defines itself and how it articulates its goals, objectives and strategies. An analysis of the external environment assists in understanding the forces or factors that shape the organization. 4.1 PEST Analysis PEST analyses the external macro-environment in which an organization operates, based on political, economical, social and technological factors. These factors are beyond the control of the organization but must be considered in formulating the strategies of the organization. PEST Analysis for First Citizens The Political climate of Trinidad and Tobago has remained quite stable over the past twenty years. This has led to implementation of legislations that improved efficiency and reduced costs (banking fees) in the Banking sector, but have also reduced margins and fee income. The latest legislation implemented is the Anti-money Laundering legislation, in which most of the countries in this region is adopting. This law has sought to increase the transparency of banks and attempts to lower the credit risks of the country in which the bill is implemented. The banking industry over the years has dynamically evolved; this evolution has led to the opening of the banking industry (regionally) or relaxation of entry requirement for large foreign banks, for example, the entry of the Bank of Baroda. This has led to further diversification of the banking sector that inevitably breeds competition. However, although competition creates innovation, this threatens the profitability of the current banks in the market as larger more capitalized banks can undercut the local banks and decrease their market size. These foreign banks operate as loss leaders to steal market share and further diminution opportunity in an already saturated market. As a result, in recent years there have been re-entry of banks into the sector e.g. First Caribbean International Bank (FCIB). Furthermore, FC is owned the government which suggest that there is slow decision making in the organization however, the government can be the main borrower on the market. The worlds economy, over the past two years, has experienced a downturn, which saw many countries GDP decline that resulted in declaration of recession and the plummet of oil prices, which adversely affected the banking industry of most countries. However, all indicators point towards improvement in the economy though it may be slow. The effects of the economy has led to banks reducing interest rates and fees in order to reduce the amount of loan defaults and increase economic activity in an attempt to boost the economy. The improvement of the economy will see commodity prices improving which will increase revenues and economic activity, which will impart a greater potential for lending and borrowing by banks. However, there is a risk of returning to inflationary pressures with accompanying increasing interest rates. The mal-effects of the downturn has led to increased unemployment which increased loan defaults, however there have been some refinancing of loans in an attempt to reduc e defaults. According to the Central Bank Governor, in the business section of the Guardian Newspaper, if the economic growth is slower than in the past, banking institution will be forced to consolidate to achieve economies of scale. This reduces competition in an industry, in which competition breeds innovation and Socially, crime is considered a two edged sword since it creates an opportunity for banks to finance security companies; however, it has led to the exit of many business owners and thus capital. A high crime rate can harm the countrys foreign direct investment (FDI) opportunities and by extension tourism. As the country is developing, one would find that people are being more educated and customers are demanding better quality and quantity service; people are intolerant of poor customer service and lack of advancement in the banking industry. It is foreseen that, if the issue of crime is not addressed that there would be further flight of capital, decrease in FDIs and tourism. In addition, if banks do not progress with technology, there would a flight of customers to the substitutes in the market. The banking industry has fully embraced technology, which has revolutionised the sector. The technological advancement by banks has empowered customers so that they control their financial information with greater access. This has also led to the creation of high exit barriers. However, not all customers may embrace these technological progresses and prefer the traditional banking services. If this progression continues at the current pace, the industry will be highly serviced and product innovated. However, customer must make greater use of these technological advancement as with mobile telephony if the industry is to be further product/service diversified. 4.2 Industry Analysis for First Citizens The industry analysis aids in the determination of factors that determines the banking industry profitability. Porters Five Forces Analysis is an assessment that is used to understand the current competitive position and the future attractiveness of the industry, this is seen in figure. The threat of substitute is numerous and includes companies that offer financial services such as insurance companies, Unit Trust Corporation, Island Finance, investment banks, credit unions etc. Some non-financial institutions such as furniture stores and car dealerships are also threats since they offer credit. These substitutes offer similar service and products without the regulatory requirements of banks, which makes their process faster than banks. These substitutes have encroached on the banking industry profitability, however, with the recent downturn of the economy, customers have returned to banks since it is perceived to be more stable. In addition, to nullify the threat of substitutes and sustain the industrys profitability banks have also formed alliances with other financial institutions. The bargaining power of customers is medium but increasing as a result of a wide variety of substitutes, similarity of products and lower customer loyalty (due to logistics). However, it is counteracted by high switching costs caused by the time and inconvenience of transferring accounts to other financial institutions and a large number of customers. It is perceived, however, that the advanced technology and the increasing number of substitutes, have reduced switching costs, this is true to some extent, example retail deposits but in terms of loans, corporate deposits etc. the switching cost is high. The bargaining power of suppliers is also medium and increasing. Although there are a large number of suppliers for general resources, there are a small number of suppliers for the critical resources of banks, for example, ABMs, system applications, money counter etc. which makes switching arduous and time-consuming. From the PEST analysis, it seen that the banking industrys market is more opened and there is a relaxation of requirements. This results in the threat of new entrants being medium to high and is expected to intensify if there is further dismantling of barriers/requirement. Consequently, it is easier for a large foreign institution to enter into the market, example, the acquisition of RBTT by RBC and the entry of Bank of Baroda, these institution will with have the necessary capital investments and brand recognition to do so. However, for a local institution it is harder because of the high brand building expenditure and extremely high capital investment. This threat is somewhat counteracted by high exit barriers and high switching costs. The banking industry presently has a saturated market and one would find that is difficult to gain market share to become profitable thus, entrants are focused on a niche market segment. Furthermore, these entrants are large enough to operate as loss leaders. The above four factors that shape strategy, collapse into rivalry amongst existing competitors (as seen in figure). The fact that the banking industry exhibits oligopolistic cooperation in order to maximize profit, lower cost and maintain status quo, is another indicator of maturity. Examples of this type of cooperation are: Establishing a code of conduct in which all banks must adhere when dealing with customers Technological sharing of networks e.g. linx to facilitate ATM transactions. Offering of similar interest rates and products In addition, banks have to form strategic alliances in order to counteract substitutes to improve the value system e.g. insurance companies and mutual funds. An analysis of the existing competitive rivalry is restricted to four banks. These competitors are identified using Porters strategic group analysis (see figure). From figure, competitors in First Citizens market scope operate in the same segment and offer similar type products. These banks collaborate to protect the profitability of the industry, especially in the area of interest rates, customer service quality and non-competitive processes. The prediction of the competitor environment can be analysed using Grants Framework for competitor analysis, this can be seen in figure. 4.3 The Industry Life Cycle From figure, it is seen that the banking industry is in its maturity stage. This can be sustained over an extensive period, in which market share can only be increased by attracting the competitors customers. In addition, a strategy in the mature banking industry, is the tendency of banks to consolidate e.g. with insurance companies, security companies; acquire or merge e.g. the acquisition of RBTT by RBC and CMMB by FC. However, banks fight to maintain its market share by creating high exit barriers for its customers. Recently, customers are extremely sensitive to interest rates, therefore in an effort to retain its customers, one would find that banks in the same market segment (figure) would have similar interest rates. For example, if Central Bank decrease the reserve requirement all banks will decrease its rate to match each other. In a stage of maturity, there are areas in which it is more economical to collaborate than to compete, this brings about greater efficiency at a lower cost e.g. Linx, Transunion and Trinidad and Tobago Interbanking payment system (TTIPS). 4.4 Key Success Factors In order to be successful in the banking industry there are some key factors. These include: Financial stability Customer confidence Customer trust Effective Regulatory Systems Relevant Products and Services Affordable pricing Competition which breeds greater innovation and by extension efficiency 5.0 THE DYNAMICS OF THE INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT 5.1 Resource Analysis Financial Capital Human Capital FC Bank has approximately 1300 staff members and a well-experienced and knowledgeable senior staff. However, succession and service quality is a concern because of the high turnover of junior staff. In recent times, staff members are no longer interested in a job for life, therefore the bank is retooling its processes to incorporate transient staffing arrangement. In addition, the bank has developed a management trainee, corporate resourcing and mentoring programmes for school and university graduates. Leadership competencies, 360 degree feedback and career development programmes are also implemented for junior staff and management. Customer Capital The bank has a large customer base in excess of 400,000 accounts. Retail banking customers constitute the majority of the customer base. The consequence of this is that it involves higher operating and fixed costs, in addition, to achieve economies of scale both market share and size has to sufficient. Notwithstanding the deposit garnered from these customers, it represents low cost funds to the bank that are then used for lending. Although customer loyalty generally has improved, they are however flighty and could change base on simple interest rate difference since they are sensitive to this (as discussed in Porters five forces). Recently, the bank has embarked on work to improve its image and reputation. Social Capital FC has intensified its relationship with society in adherence to the adage of Corporate Social responsibility in a very significant way. This is also in adherence to the code of ethics established by the Bankers Association, in which First Citizens bank sponsors events: Environmental: Citizens in Action to restore the Environment (CARE), which assists in the restoration of the environment. In this regard, internal staff competition are held to widen community interaction and to increase social and environmental awareness (this improves the appearance of the bank). Youth and Education: Bursaries to Tertiary Institution. The bank engages in developing school libraries and is a major sponsor in junior achievement. Sports: First Citizens Sport Foundation, which raise awareness through clinics and sport education seminars. It is the sole sponsor of the National Sports Foundation, which deals with sports education, seminars and recognition of achievers in the Hall of Fame and Annual Sports Woman/Man of the Year which honors all the achievers in all sports. Culture: The banks sponsors programmes in all cultural/religious events such as, Divali Nagar, Eid-ul-Fitr, Tobago Heritage etc. Physical Capital The bank has twenty-five branches strategically located across the country, with three in Tobago. In addition, an excess of eighty ATM supports these branches, with a vast number of these in off branch locations. Technology Capital FC bank has the leading edge in online real time banking network and is the leader in Internet Banking technology and communication network. Its Ethernet and communication network, which incorporates both voice and data, also contributes to the bank being considered as a Technology leader. In fact FC has won the South Trinidad Chamber of Commerce Technology Leadership on three occasions in the last five years, an award that has been designed for technology companies. The banks vast network of ATM and POS machinery provide significant reach to its merchant and customers alike and is fully networked on a local and internal scale. The bank has been able to leverage its technology leadership to enhance value for merchant and customers. This can be gleamed from the merchant e-banking which allows corporate and commercial customers to transact business from their offices (paying bills, salaries, ACH etc.). The value of technology capital is also seen with the implementation of mobile POS, which is significant for distributors and the service sector. 5.2 Value Added FC Banks value chain is depicted in figure using Porters Value Chain analysis. The bank has concentrated mainly on marketing, sales and services. The use of technology has been incorporated to achieve a level of service and convenience to provide value to the customer. The cost to provide such value to the customer is important however, the risk to serving customers is just as important. The critical factors in this value system are the linkages between skills of staff, risk management, information systems, flexible and responsive policies/procedures to add such value. Information technology is FC banks core competency especially since they are the leader in this area. FC uses the technological advancement to increase its value chain and to achieve a higher level of customer service than its competitors. Owing to the highly leveraged technology at FC, the level of efficiency, high ratings by customers have been improved, although, the market share has remained stable since the industry is in the mature stage (industry life cycle). The use of technology is also the banks distinctive capability, since the bank uses its technology e.g. mobile POS and corporate internet banking, to increase the value chain of its customers. Figure below depicted how elements of FC banks outbound and marketing logistics becomes incorporated into the customers e.g. restaurants and distributors inbound logistic of their value chain. Internet banking, mobile POS etc. Telebanking Etc. First Citizens Bank Value Chain Distributors Value Chain Restaurants Value chain Figure showing the connectivity between First Citizens Value Chain and that of its Customers 5.3 McKinseys 7S 5.3.1 Structure FC bank currently has a bureaucratic (top-down) that does not aid in quick decision-making, which is crucial. Structure is the key to effective execution of strategy. Is the structure does not support strategy in terms of VMOST then the strategy implementation will be difficult. Despite its best efforts to change, the bank structure is still overly bureaucratic. The bank has to decentralise both vertically along different levels of the organisational hierarchy and horizontally amongst managers and non-managers based on expertise and experience. In doing so, authority and responsibility will remain with those in the position, who possesses the necessary skills to implement decisions, ideally front line staff. Currently, the credit-decision making process is based on limited level authority by staff and the bureaucratic staircase can hinder the effectiveness in the lending/investment process. Simiarly, as a result of Government regulation (Central Bank regulations) and the general risk adverse culture of the bank, several to-down controls exist hindering the smooth processing of intricate transaction. If centre delegating decision-making authority is given to frontline staff e.g. senior management increasing authorisation limits on loans granted by line managers, the processes in the bank will more efficient and less time consuming. 5.3.2 Systems FC bank is a performance-driven learning organisation, therefore all of its systems should be taken into consideration if further development is to occur. The three essential areas are: Human resource systems Rewards are based on SMART principle and pre-determined organisation and individual targets. However, the appraisals are based on individual and team performance and are done on a quarterly basis to identify areas foe training and development. In addition, the performance is also measured by balance scorecard with gaps identified to re-prioritise efforts. Human resource records however, are not automated via a modern HRIS system and therefore quick and effective decision-making is negatively affected. To further hasten the decision-making the top-down system needs to be changed to a bottom-up system that integrates the individual and team performance, training and development. Organisational performance systems The bank has two models to assess its performance: The strategic planning model This evolves from the vision and mission of the bank and long-term strategies are developed for three years on a rolling basis. On an annual basis strategies are reviewed analysed and adjusted as necessary. Three exercises inform the business planning process for the ensuing year and provide key inputs into budgetary allocation which support the execution of the said strategies. Information systems The banks information system is highly interactive, accurate, accessible and easily interrogable. In spite of the high use of technology customer service staff has not embrace the use of technology to deliver value added. There is high use of the banks office management system for communication e.g. email and calendaring. However, managers and staff have not grasped the opportunity to use these systems for work flow efficiency e.g. loan origination systems and electronic loan application and credit authorisation. 5.3.3 Style Style is influences in part by structure. The top-down structure of organisation has bred an elitist atmosphere with different layers of management having varying degrees of power and influence. Managers do not seem to exhibit a supportive role and communication is mostly top down to their support staff. In addition, feedback to employees on performance of organisation is done via newsletters, team briefing and staff meetings. Generally, the management style is not of a participative nature and this can have negative effects on employees involvement and satisfaction. There is an over abundance of procedures within the system which leads to an inordinate amount of time and effort spent on administrative processes thus reducing the cycle time for customer service. Staff Staff development utilises: Employee assistance programme (EAP) 360 degree for developmental purposes In addition, the tools used in developing staff are: Succession planning Individual development planning Leadership competencies model there are seven areas the bank utilise and develop staff; they are customer focus, teamwork, innovation, initiative (getting results), integrity, entrepreneurship and sales and marketing. These are to develop staff in order to develop leadership skills but FC has to create the structure, systems etc. to motivate and encourage employees to develop along these lines. Skills Multiple skilled employees are essential in a learning and performance driven organisation. The bank is becoming predominantly a sales driven organisation, with risk management and decision-making being critical to its success in the area. Training in developmental programmes in marketing, sales, negotiation and dispute resolution are provided by the bank to further develop skills in these areas. However, the structure of the bank is a barrier to the proper dissemination of skills because of compartmentalisation of information. The bank however, has been a leader in the development of individual staff and expense significant sums on both internal and external training. The education assistance plan provides bank sponsored tertiary education up to and including the masters level for qualifying staff, this facility has benefitted numerous staff members. Strategy Using Johnson and Scholes Development Strategies model the direction used by FC bank should be maintained. The bank has focus on identifying market segments and adopted a market penetration and developmental and diversification strategies. These strategies should be suitable, acceptable and feasible to all stakeholders, employees and customers and should be based the banks outstanding customer service, innovation and its core competency of technology. However, the banks strategy of leading customer satisfaction through innovation has seen it derive value from its leadership position from electronic banking including internet, POS and mobile banking. Shared Value The confluence of three failed financial institution formed FC Bank, and its phoenix-like resurrection to a pronounced position within the banking industry fraternity in the region and awards won, is a source of pride for the organisation. 6.0 S.W.O.T ANALYSIS Figure shows the SWOT analysis for FC Bank, based on this and for sustainability of competitive advantage, the following factors are crucial: Investments for further development of technology since it is ever-evolving especially at the strategic and tactical level to maintain FC as the leader Quick response time to customers request to synchronise with industry norms Strong image/brand and performance driven culture High degree of flexibility and responsiveness Improve decision-making capabilities of front line staff and succession planning

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Rodolfo :: essays research papers

The Three Wise Men. I remember growing up for part of my child hood living in Mexico City. I was about 4 years old when I moved to Mexico to live close to my grand parents and other relatives. In Mexico City there is a fairy tale tradition that is still practice these days. The fairy tale tradition is that of (Los Tres Reyes Magos) The Three Wise Men or also known as The Three Wise Kings. Their names are Melchor, Gaspar, and Baltazar and they ride on camels, Gaspar is the black wise man and they speak all languages because they are universal. The date is January 6th, when the three wise men come to your house and bring gifts for you. The only requirements are that you have to be a child, have to be sleeping the night of January 6th when they come to drop of your gifts and the last requirement is that you have to believe in them in order for them come. My parents would tell me about them, the three wise men would come to my house to bring me gifts, the night of January 6th if I was sleeping. I had to be under good behavior in order for them to come and bring me gifts or else they wouldn’t bring me nothing because the three wise men knew if you were good or bad. The gifts that the wise men bring are toys, clothing, school supply, shoes, bikes, and other stuff for the children. My parents told my brother and I about the wise men and what they do. My brother and I believed our parents because we were kids and why would your parents lie to us. My brother and I weren’t the only ones that believed in the three wise men, there are still kids that are young enough to believe in them these days, in Mexico City. The three wise men are magical because they can shrink small to the size that they can enter your residence through a small crack or small opening for example like the small space under a door. They are magical because they can shrink their size or they can turn themselves into light balls and enter your house through a window like regular light would go though a clear glass window. You would have to be sleeping and would have had to leave them one of your shoes or a shoe that belongs to you with the list of what you wanted inside the shoe.

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Essay -- American Government,

amilies Undisputedly poverty has been one of the major persistent social problems in the United States for hundreds of years. Poverty does not discriminate against Caucasians, African-Americans, Hispanics, Jews, homosexuals, heterosexuals, age, gender, or persons with disabilities. Poverty can strike any population, community, ethnic group, and family. According to the U.S Census Bureau, 43.6 million people were in poverty in 2009 which was an increase from 2008. (Insert citation for website). There are multiple causes of why a family or individual can fall into poverty, which includes but not limited to, disability, unemployment, age, and recessions, as for which we have seen through the 2008 recession and the Great Depression. Throughout this paper I will address poverty as a social problem and its causes. I will also focus on how children and family households headed by single mothers are effected by poverty, and how Temporary Assistance for Needy Families came about to help children and families in poverty. Before we can explain the causes of poverty, one must first define what poverty is. If you were to ask someone for their definition of poverty, you would get several different definitions. There has been much conflict in the United States over defining poverty, but according to Diana DiNitto (2007), poverty can be defined in six different ways. Poverty as deprivation, inequality, lack of human capital, culture, exploitation, and structure are the six different ways. When a family or individual does not have the adequate amount of income to meet all of their basic needs, they are described as being deprived. Poverty as deprivation explains that a family or individual is deprived when they are living below the standard of... ...account not all recipients are able to accept these types of jobs especially those with young children. I think that if a recipient has found a job but is unable to accept the job because of late hours and they have reached their two year mark, then they should be a grace period on their five year time limitation until they are unable to find a better job. The recipient may only be granted the grace period if they show documented proof that they have found a job but is unable to accept because of the circumstance of not having childcare during the work hours given. The government has created many programs under the Social Security Act to help prevent poverty. Even though programs similar to Temporary Assistance for Needy Families have done their part in trying to prevent poverty, revision must continue to be made it order to reduce the United States poverty rate.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Growth of Sammy in John Updikes A&P :: A&P John Updike

The Growth of Sammy in Updike’s A & P  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the story "A&P," by John Updike, the main character Sammy makes the leap from an adolescent, knowing little more about life than what he has learned working at the local grocery store, into a man prepared for the rough road that lies ahead. As the story begins, Sammy is nineteen and has no real grasp for the fact that he is about to be living on his own working to support himself. Throughout the course of the story, he changes with a definite step into, first, a young man realizing that he must get out of the hole he is in and further into a man, who has a grasp on reality looking forward to starting his own family. In the beginning, Sammy is but a youth growing up learning what he knows about life in small town grocery store. His role models include, Stokesie, the twenty-two year-old, supporting a family doing the same job Sammy does yet aspiring to one day have the manager's position, and Lengel, the store manager who most certainly started out in the same place that Stokesie an d he were already in. Stoksie, the great role model, continues to be as adolescent as Sammy, with his "Oh, Daddy, I feel so faint," and even Sammy sees this noting that "as far as I can tell that's the only difference (between he and I)." Sammy whittles away his days looking at pretty girls and thinking about the ways of people. He hardly realizes that this is how he will spend his entire existence if he doesn't soon get out of this job. During this day that will prove to change his life, he makes the step towards his realization. He decides that he doesn't want to spend the rest of his life working at an A&P competing for the store manager's position. Sammy thinks to himself about his parent's current social class and what they serve at cocktail parties. And, in turn, he thinks about what he will be serving, if he stays at the A&P, "When my parents have somebody over they get lemonade and if it's a real racy affair Schlitz in tall glasses with 'They'll Do It Every Time' cartoons st enciled on." He must get out and the sooner the better. He is still just an adolescent who hasn't completely thought through his decision and yet his mind is made up.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Learning Team Essay

Learning Team A discussed the learning objectives assigned for week three of class. Specifically, the team members discussed strategies to help develop effective groups and teams. The team members also discussed strategies to resolve conflict within organizations. The discussion included topics with which the team members felt comfortable or struggled with and how the weekly topics applied to team members’ business field. This paper summarizes Learning Team A’s discussions. Strategies to Develop Effective Groups and Teams The team members discussed the difference between the definitions of work group and work team. The work group share information and make decisions that assists each member perform tasks in his area of responsibility (Robbins & Judge, 2011). The group members do not engage in â€Å"collective work that requires joint effort (Robbins & Judge, 2011, Chapter 10) like a work team does. A work group does not create the synergy of a work team. The individual is accountable in a work group but both the individual and team members mutually are accountable. Work group members provide random and varied skills, whereas work team members bring complementary skills to the joint effort. Robbins and Judge (2011) categorized the major characteristics of effective teams into three general categories: context, composition, and process. In the context category, managers play a vital role in providing leadership, structure, a climate of trust, adequate resources, and a performance evaluation and reward systems to assist teams in becoming effective and highly productive. In the composition category, the manager must evaluate and select team members with the appropriate abilities, personalities, and diversity. Managers must determine the appropriate team size and either unilaterally or mutually allocate roles. Managers also must be aware of team member preferences and permit flexibility within the team. In the process category, managers must provide a common purpose and specific goals so team members understand and work toward a common purpose and can create a positive synergy. Additionally, managers must facilitate team efficacy, monitor conflict level, provide conflict resolution strategies, and monitor for social loafing by holding team members accountable individually and jointly. The team members were  comfortable with the concepts and terminology with regard to strategies to help develop effective teams. Team members are aware that many companies are relying on teams to accomplish tasks and goals because teams are flexible and more responsive to a dynamic business environment. Despite being comfortable with the concepts and strategies, the team members struggled with the implementation of some of the strategies. For instance, managers, tasked with building a team for a short-suspensed project, may face difficulties with building an effective, cohesive, committed, and productive team in a short time. Strategies to Resolve Conflict Within Organizations Robbins and Judge (2011) stated â€Å"The conflict process has five stages: potential opposition or incompatibility, cognition and personalization, intentions, behavior, and outcomes† (p. 457). Potential opposition or incompatibility is the first stage of the conflict process, and it has three categories: communication, structure, and personal variables. Stage two is cognition and personalization. Conflict issues are defined in this stage. Moreover, emotions have a major impact on influencing perception. Third, stage three is intentions. â€Å"Intentions intervene between people’s perceptions and emotions and their overt behavior† (Robbins & Judge, 2011, p. 459). There are five conflict-handling intentions: competing, collaborating, avoiding, accommodating, and compromising. Stage four is behavior, which is a vigorous process of communication. Furthermore, there are several techniques to conflict-resolution; for example, problem solving, avoidance, and compromise . There are also conflict-stimulation techniques; for example, communication, bringing in outsiders, and restructuring the organization. Last, stage five is outcomes. The outcomes can be functional; for example, â€Å"when it improves the quality of decisions, stimulates creativity and innovation, encourages interest and curiosity among group members, provides the medium through which problems can be aired and tensions released, and fosters an environment of self-evaluation and change† (Robbins & Judge, 2011, p. 463). However, the outcomes can be dysfunctional; for example, uncontrolled opposition can breed discontent, destroy cohesion and eventually could lead to the team destruction. Team members were comfortable with conflict resolution approaches; however, the team learned about conflict-stimulation techniques. The concept was new to  team members because conflict generally has had a negative connotation. The team members as managers will benefit from using both the confli ct-resolution and conflict-stimulation techniques in their workplaces. Conclusion In sum, the team members discussed strategies to help develop effective groups and teams. The team members also discussed strategies to resolve conflict within organizations. The discussion included topics with which the team members felt comfortable or struggled with and how the weekly topics applied to team members’ business field. This paper summarized Learning Team A’s discussions. References Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2011). Organizational Behavior (14th ed.). Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Importance on Being on Time Essay

The Importance of Being On-Time The principal reason for this essay is since I did not follow out proper orders and was not at the right place of duty for PT/Accountability formation at the appropriate time. Though there was a miscommunication, granted on my half, there’s nonetheless no excuse for me to miss a formation. I desire to be a great soldier and I desire to excel inside military. The first step I need to put into action is often making sure I am at the appropriate place of duty at the proper time or preferably with time to spare. This can be a simple task that’s easy and painless to ensure, and it’ll be accomplished. When hearing the term â€Å"be on-time†, almost every individual can comprehend what that phrase means; since it’s been a phrase that’s been used through-out history. This phrase has so many positive/negative consequences that it is unbelievable. A phrase with so much importance, that it must be written and displayed by others to understand it. The societies we live in use this phrase â€Å"be on-time† for many reasons. Every company, school, banks, and etc use it in their policies and their daily lives; from being on time for work, to completing an assignment on time. It helps display a foundation on how an individual preserves themselves, as well as for companies and organizations. It displays their professionalism to others. It provides security in objectives knowing that everything is going according to schedule. As such, this simple phrase â€Å"be on time† comes with many positive consequences if followed correctly. There are many obvious reasons as to why being on time is important. Just by showing up on time it shows that you have the maturity, responsibility and professionalism. It shows that you’re a hard worker and that you’re ready to get the job done. As well, it makes you reliable to take on objectives when they are presented to you. Just â€Å"being on time† will just bring so many positive out-puts, from getting the promotion to a manager, to shaping a better Army. In the Army (in any branch to be more precise) tardiness is unacceptable, so being on time is very important. When someone is late, it makes everyone else run behind on the future objectives they have that day. If an NCO announces that everyone will eat together at a certain time, he expects everyone to be there at that time. However, if someone is late, it will make the rest of the soldiers wait on you, just so they can eat; but even though they can simply hold off and skip chow, food is a vital part to the Army. Soldiers’ need the fuel in order better perform at their duty stations through-out the day. Even with that one soldier being late to eat, it can ruin the whole day for the rest of their battle buddies. One soldier being late can make the schedule completely disrupted. Not to mention that when everything is running behind, everyone will have to end up staying late for that work day. It turns the whole day very hectic and then people tend to get irritated very easily. It would make things run much smoother if everyone was on time. So when someone one is late, not only is it rude but it also messes up other people’s schedules. When someone shows up late, it makes them come off as flaky and people will think that you do not care about your career. On top of that, it’s very disrespectful. When being late or tardy, you are showing that you are not a professional. It can also be assumed that you do not care or respect your job the way you should or need to. When your employer begins to think that you are careless with your job or don’t care about your job they can decide that you are no longer a valuable asset to their company. Once your employer thinks you are no longer an asset to their company they can choose to fire you or they will keep a closer eye on you and wait for another reason to fire you. Being late can cause adverse actions to take place. Adverse actions can range from counseling to an Article 15 or even an early discharge, when in the Army. In the civilian sector it can range from job probation to being fired. In either sector, being late can cause a lot of strain on your job or even cause you to lose your job. This can also affect your life outside of  work by causing trouble at home. In today’s world finding a new job is not an easy task. This means that if you were to get fired from your present job you may not be able to pay bills. On top of that, you let your co-workers/comrades down when you do not show up on time to work. When you fail to show up on time, you’re causing your peers to have to do your work as well as their own. This can cause the mission for the day to be slowed down dramatically. When the mission is slowed down this can cause your leaders to fail at meeting deadlines that may be needed to be met at a specific time in order to meet other deadlines on missions that may be more important than wondering why you are late†¦ Due to the fact, accountability is one of the fundamentals of the military. It not only brings personal responsibility but it also shows the organization of a unit. The US Army depends solely on its soldiers, enlisted, warrant officers and commissioned officers alike. The military would not be anything without the soldiers. When soldiers are not there to perform there duties or they are late, that brings down the efficiency of the unit. Accountability is a great trait to have but it only comes with punctuality. Punctuality shows you are responsible, honest and can follow directions. Punctuality is not just an order that the Army requires, but also a great very own trait that is certainly a reflection of the person’s character, it shows which you have very own integrity and self-discipline. Though some of us are occasionally late due to circumstances beyond our control, habitual tardiness shows a lack of respect for other individuals and their time. If someone is late usually that shows that they more then almost certainly do not care about what their NCO tells them. Time is often a precious gem that should not be wasted at any cost. Should you do not use your time wisely; you are able to in no way get it back. It is a quite specific resource in that you just cannot store it or save it for later. Promptness isn’t only a duty, but can be a part of very good manners; it’s favorable to fortune, reputation, influence, and  usefulness. Lack of punctuality is really a theft of somebody else’s time and a complete lack of respect for others. You need to be punctual in everything you do. Punctuality goes hand in hand with military discipline. Recruits are taught to obey, promptly and with out question, orders from their superiors, appropriate from the day one of boot camp. Military discipline and effectiveness is made over a foundation of obedience to orders. That is why we are supposed work so well being a team. With that being said, being late is becoming a more and more common trend among people of all walks of life, especially in the United States Army. This is completely unacceptable and it violates the Army Values, costs the military more money, and reflects very poorly on the soldier and his first line supervisor. There are many methods available to prevent being late as well as proper steps to take once you know you are going to be late and there is nothing else you can do about it. The Army Values, Leadership, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage. When you are late to anything, whether it is a formation or appointment, it goes against nearly all of these values that are instilled in all soldiers. All soldiers are supposed to display the ability to be an effective leader at all times. This is impossible if you are late. For example, if you are a Specialist promotable and late to a few formations that is noticed by the privates around you. Once you make Sergeant they are going to remember those times you were late and question your ability as a leader. It is your duty to follow the orders of those appointed above you as long as they are lawful and moral. When you are told to be at a certain location at a certain time then you are expected to be there. If you can’t perform the simple task of arriving on time, like a formation or keeping an appointment, then it shows that you have no responsibility. Respect is the key to a functioning Army all the way around. Respect must be shown from there is no way you can meet the requirements for duties that require more subordinate to leader, and vice versa from leader to  subordinate. Not arriving to a formation at the appointed time is pure disrespect toward your leaders, and if no respect is shown toward your leader, then it will never be returned to the subordinate. When you chose to be late it shows that you are more worried about yourself than your unit or your career. So in overall, don’t be late. Yes it is understandable that there are going to be those days where the situation was out of your hands. However, most of the time, it’s not. So if any one is planning on making the Army their career for the next 20 years like I am, then start by showing up on time; in fact early so everyone can know that you are taking your job as a Army Soldier seriously.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Disadvantages of Early Marriage

Marriage can provide a great deal of stability in a relationship, giving spouses certain legal and monetary advantages, as well as bringing them closer together emotionally. But marriage isn't the best option for everyone, and has certain disadvantages for younger couples. The average age for a first marriage in the US is 27 for women and 29 for men — roughly six to seven years older than first marriages of previous decades. However some couples still choose to get married much younger — sometimes right out of high school. Related Searches: Marriage Divorce LawMarriage and RelationshipMarriage Divorce LawMarriage and Relationship Sense of Self One disadvantage of early marriage is that younger people haven't had the opportunity to explore themselves much beyond their families, or small groups of friends. In order to develop a keen sense of self, one that is capable of contributing fully to a relationship, some discovery is needed about interests and goals. Giving each other several years to uncover these likes and dislikes will go a long way in bringing together more mature partners in a marriage. Goals When it comes to goals, you may know what you want to do right after high school. In fact, you may have your entire career mapped out — right down to retirement. But funny things can happen when you go to college or start your chosen career. You may find that the path you chose doesn't suit you at all. Instead of a 9-to-5 job, you may want one that allows you to travel the world, for example. If your spouse isn't keen on going with you, it may spell trouble for your marriage. Commonalities It's easy to have things in common when you attend the same school, have the same friends, and live in the same town. Unfortunately, this can create a false picture of all the aspects of life that you share with your spouse, or future spouse. You may find that when you are alone together — without the benefit of common pursuits — that your true interests or perspectives just on't mesh. Finances Meager finances are a major pitfall of marrying too early. If you want a nice wedding, the average cost is $25,000. Then there are student loans to consider, relocating costs, and even possible child care expenses. Younger people aren't likely to be at the point in their career when they can easily shoulder such burdens. This can cause fighting and tension that leads young married couples to divorce. Wu

Saturday, September 14, 2019


What are the key marketing challenges facing Gauri Nanda and how would you prioritize them? 1) Timing Clocky got a lot of media attention approximately a year early from commercialization. The hype it is having might have a negative and positive affect towards when actually Gauri introduce the product to the market. The questions raised was â€Å"Would consumers interested in buying Clocky now be frustrated once they learned that the product was not yet commercially available, or would they be content to wait until Clocky reached the market? † 2) Target marketGauri have to decide whether to focus on â€Å"Fun† or â€Å"Need† target segment. This is a critical step in the development as it will be difficult to change perception of a product once it gains a certain reputation. 3) Production partnership Gauri have to make a decision whether to partner with a large-scale retailer (Wal-Mart) or to pursue co-branding opportunities with a product development outfit ( iR obot). Both ways offer it’s up and down sides. With a large scale retailer, Gauri face the risk of the product becoming a fad, like Tickle-Me-Elmo.On the other hand, pursuing co-brading opportunities, she might have less control over the product invention. 4) Pricing Gauri have to decide the price for the product. This also will determine the product strategy adopted. Selling to Wal Mart allows Gauri to cash in early but sacrificing the long term potential of the product. Whereas selling to a upper class store allows Gauri to build brand image but it may take longer time to generate enough profit to recoup back the investment. Gauri needs to tackle the challenges from 1 to 4.I feel that the early media attention issue need to be taken care of first and make sure it does not negatively affected the commercialization of the product. Secondly, Gauri needs to determine the target segment which will lead to production partnership decision and ultimately pricing. How would you segm ent the market for Clocky and on which target market segment(s) should Nanda focus. Explain the value proposition for each? In the article it is mentioned that Clocky’s customer can be put into two camps: â€Å"Need† and â€Å"Fun† market. ) â€Å"Need† market The main customer would be people who found getting out of bed is a serious challenge and disrupted their life in significant ways, such as frequently making them late for work. I feel like Clocky will be a success in this market as it will be seen a solution for those people. In addition to that, the market is currently untapped and Gauri will enjoy first moving advantage. The downside is that the market is not as big as the other segment. Although the probability of success is high, the financial gain might not be significant. ) â€Å"Fun† market The customer would be people who currently use an alarm clock. I can see that Clocky will be marketed not a solution but as alternative to traditi on alarm clock that has more advance feature. This way there is a risk that the product will be seen as a fad product just like Furby. However, the market is huge and financial gain is significant if the product is a success. Personally I feel the best strategy is for Gauri to focus on short term financial gain and focus on the â€Å"fun† market.There is a big chance that the product might have a short life, like furby but Gauri would be able to gain a significant financial gain in a short period of time. The need market is not very attractive to me because of the size of the market. Based on what you believe to be the most feasible/most valuable positioning, what are the key components of a marketing launch plan including:   product design/features, pricing, retail channels and distribution plan, manufacturing location, and marketing communications. My goal with this product would be to generate as much profit as possible in the shortest amount of time.I do not think build ing a brand and spend years on this product is worth the effort from financial perspective. With this in mind, the strategy that I would adopt is a short term strategy that will maximize short term profit. The segment I would be targeting is the â€Å"Fun† market. I would market Clocky as an advanced alarm clock that is innovative and â€Å"fun† to have. The feature would be kept at the minimal (moving alarm clock) and the design would be as describe in the case â€Å"lighthearted features, such as his furry exterior and playful nature, depicting him almost as a robotic household pet. I would form a partnership with Target and use them as the main distribution channel. The pricing would be set a low point around $30 (considering that traditional alarm clock sold around $15). With Target’s mark up around 144%, the retail price would be $40. The manufacturing location will be in China as it offers the lowest cost of manufacturing. Assuming the cost of goods is $1 5, this will offer 100% margin. The media communication used would be TV and magazine advertisement. The advertisement is catered toward general audience that buy alarm clock. Clocky What are the key marketing challenges facing Gauri Nanda and how would you prioritize them? 1) Timing Clocky got a lot of media attention approximately a year early from commercialization. The hype it is having might have a negative and positive affect towards when actually Gauri introduce the product to the market. The questions raised was â€Å"Would consumers interested in buying Clocky now be frustrated once they learned that the product was not yet commercially available, or would they be content to wait until Clocky reached the market? † 2) Target marketGauri have to decide whether to focus on â€Å"Fun† or â€Å"Need† target segment. This is a critical step in the development as it will be difficult to change perception of a product once it gains a certain reputation. 3) Production partnership Gauri have to make a decision whether to partner with a large-scale retailer (Wal-Mart) or to pursue co-branding opportunities with a product development outfit ( iR obot). Both ways offer it’s up and down sides. With a large scale retailer, Gauri face the risk of the product becoming a fad, like Tickle-Me-Elmo.On the other hand, pursuing co-brading opportunities, she might have less control over the product invention. 4) Pricing Gauri have to decide the price for the product. This also will determine the product strategy adopted. Selling to Wal Mart allows Gauri to cash in early but sacrificing the long term potential of the product. Whereas selling to a upper class store allows Gauri to build brand image but it may take longer time to generate enough profit to recoup back the investment. Gauri needs to tackle the challenges from 1 to 4.I feel that the early media attention issue need to be taken care of first and make sure it does not negatively affected the commercialization of the product. Secondly, Gauri needs to determine the target segment which will lead to production partnership decision and ultimately pricing. How would you segm ent the market for Clocky and on which target market segment(s) should Nanda focus. Explain the value proposition for each? In the article it is mentioned that Clocky’s customer can be put into two camps: â€Å"Need† and â€Å"Fun† market. ) â€Å"Need† market The main customer would be people who found getting out of bed is a serious challenge and disrupted their life in significant ways, such as frequently making them late for work. I feel like Clocky will be a success in this market as it will be seen a solution for those people. In addition to that, the market is currently untapped and Gauri will enjoy first moving advantage. The downside is that the market is not as big as the other segment. Although the probability of success is high, the financial gain might not be significant. ) â€Å"Fun† market The customer would be people who currently use an alarm clock. I can see that Clocky will be marketed not a solution but as alternative to traditi on alarm clock that has more advance feature. This way there is a risk that the product will be seen as a fad product just like Furby. However, the market is huge and financial gain is significant if the product is a success. Personally I feel the best strategy is for Gauri to focus on short term financial gain and focus on the â€Å"fun† market.There is a big chance that the product might have a short life, like furby but Gauri would be able to gain a significant financial gain in a short period of time. The need market is not very attractive to me because of the size of the market. Based on what you believe to be the most feasible/most valuable positioning, what are the key components of a marketing launch plan including:   product design/features, pricing, retail channels and distribution plan, manufacturing location, and marketing communications. My goal with this product would be to generate as much profit as possible in the shortest amount of time.I do not think build ing a brand and spend years on this product is worth the effort from financial perspective. With this in mind, the strategy that I would adopt is a short term strategy that will maximize short term profit. The segment I would be targeting is the â€Å"Fun† market. I would market Clocky as an advanced alarm clock that is innovative and â€Å"fun† to have. The feature would be kept at the minimal (moving alarm clock) and the design would be as describe in the case â€Å"lighthearted features, such as his furry exterior and playful nature, depicting him almost as a robotic household pet. I would form a partnership with Target and use them as the main distribution channel. The pricing would be set a low point around $30 (considering that traditional alarm clock sold around $15). With Target’s mark up around 144%, the retail price would be $40. The manufacturing location will be in China as it offers the lowest cost of manufacturing. Assuming the cost of goods is $1 5, this will offer 100% margin. The media communication used would be TV and magazine advertisement. The advertisement is catered toward general audience that buy alarm clock.